BD Field sits on top of Kujung Formation with reserves expected to recover 441.7 BCF of gas and 18.7 MM barrels of condensate over an expected field life of 13 years. First Production from BD Field commenced on May 6th 2017. Over the course of 2 years BD Field has produced up to 68 BCF of gas and more than 4 MM barrels of condensate and currently in the process of ramping up to full production to reach plateau production phase for the next years to come.
BD Field Production is served by 3 major facilities namely offshore Wellhead Platform (WHP), onshore Gas Metering Station (GMS) situated near the city of Pasuruan, and a Floating Production, Storage, and Offloading facility (FPSO) operated by 3rd party under lease contract. Production from BD Field consist of sour and toxic gas with around 4500 ppm of H2S from WHP which is then treated in the FPSO to produce sweet gas for sales to gas buyer in the GMS and the by product of acid gas is then converted into molten sulfur on the FPSO, the gas also undergone separation process to produce condensate which are then periodically offloaded to a shuttle tanker.
BD Field achieved 1st sales gas to PGN on June 6, 2017 and 1st sales gas to IAE on December 22, 2017 and achieved maximum sales gas rate of 110 MMSCFD in June 2019. In terms of condensate, BD Field has performed its 1st condensate offloading to MT Serui tanker on October 24, 2017, and as of September 2019 BD Field has safely performed 29 times of condensate offloading operations. BD Field had also performed its 1st molten sulfur offloading on November 3rd, 2017; creating history to be the first offshore facility that produces molten sulfur and performed molten sulfur offloading in Asia.