Surabaya – Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML) confirmed compliance with regulations in collaboration with 240 work partners, in an event with the theme “The Role of East Java Vendors in Increasing Capacity and Quality in the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry”, at the Westin Hotel Ballroom, Surabaya, 29-30 August 2023.
The Head of SKK Migas Jabanusa Representative, Nurwahidi was present and gave a presentation regarding the Contribution of the Jabanusa Upstream Oil and Gas Industry and how companies are demanding to face dynamic changes, Head of the SKK Migas Occupational Safety and Health and Environmental Protection (K3LL) Working Group Ivan Fadlun Azmy, and Bayu Murbandono from the SKK Migas Supply Chain Management Division.
The Director of Oil and Gas Program Development at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Mustafid Gunawan also present to give a keynote speech. At this event, Big Alpha Co-Founder & Entrepreneur Tirta Prayudha was also present, as a resource person who provided material related to Branding & Marketing. Apart from that, there were several speakers from within HCML who presented the provisions of the Procurement process and K3LL (Safety, Health, Security and Environment).
“We want to provide understanding to HCML’s work partners and East Java vendors in particular, regarding the procedures for being able to take part in the procurement process held by Cooperation Contract Contractors (KKKS) as well as education on carrying out work safely,” said Mrs. Ratnasari Darwis as HCML Procurement Manager who in this opportunity to represent Mrs. Listiani Dewi as Senior Manager of SCM HCML.
Ratnasari said that this coaching program is held periodically by Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited every year. “This is a form of HCML’s commitment to improving the capabilities of East Java Vendors, both administratively and technically, in terms of Procurement and K3LL in accordance with applicable regulations.”
Apart from that, it is also hoped that it can increase the sustainability of the activities of vendors in East Java in competing or competing in the procurement process in the upstream oil and gas industry.
On that occasion, the SKK Migas System HSE Management Contractor Working Group explained the management of Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental Protection (K3LL) of work partners in accordance with the SKK Migas Work Procedure (PTK) guidelines 005/2018.
“In the K3LL management process for KKKS work partners, categorizing and assessing the risk level of the activities to be carried out is the first step to identify potential dangers and K3LL aspects that could arise.” said Rockyanto Sasabone as HSSE HCML Manager.
Qualification assessments are carried out for jobs that fall into medium risk or high risk. If the work partner in question has a K3LL qualification score listed on the SKK Migas e-CHSEMS website in accordance with the job risk category, then KKKS does not need to carry out a qualification assessment.
“The ongoing assessment aims to ensure that the work carried out is in accordance with the agreed K3LL requirements and plans and to convey findings during the implementation of the work,” Rockyanto added. The assessment is carried out in a period where physical work is carried out in the field using a running assessment form.
Meanwhile, Tirta Prayudha stated that challenges in sales and marketing can be interconnected and solutions that may be needed adapt to the uniqueness of the brand. “Regularly analyzing strategies to stay adaptable and learn from successes and failures is critical to long-term success,” said Tirta.
Apart from providing outreach regarding procurement and K3LL in this event, HCML also gave awards to the best contractors in terms of performance, TKDN and K3LL. “This is a form of HCML’s appreciation for the performance of contractors who are able to work optimally and in accordance with existing regulations in supporting HCML’s operational activities,” said Ratnasari.