HCML Operation Support Program focuses on providing felicitous assistance in the potential development of communities around the operational area. This program is divided into public relations, community care, and community development which focuses on improving General Infrastructures (Public Facilities), Public Health, Education and Culture, Rural Economic Development in which aims to pursue the welfare of the society in general.
Program planning is always based on the pre-EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) study, the inputs collected from the public, local governments, other government agencies, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to ensure that the program meets the target and can fulfill the needs of local communities.
The implementation of this integrated program involves collaboration with various community groups, government agencies, and non-governmental institutions to ensure full support from all stakeholders so that the main objective of this program can be well and continuously achieved.
Started by maintenance training, fishing boats repairing, boat engines fixing, and catch-produce (seafood) processing in 2014 on the Mandangin Island, Sampang, followed by pickling, canning training and biogas training in Sapudi and Raas Island, Sumenep as well as animal feed manufacture training and shell crafting in the Kraton District, Pasuruan, HCML realizes that training sessions conducted by experts are essential. Therefore, HCML collaborated with ITS (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya) and local education agencies in every training activity.