Continuously striving to become the biggest gas producer in East Java and the operator of choice in Indonesia, HCML launched a field development program for one of its gas fields, Madura BD field, which was discovered in 1987. It is estimated that Madura BD field, which is located approximately 65 km East of Surabaya and 16 km South of Madura Island, contains reserves of 422 BCF (billion cubic feet) of natural gas and 18.7 MMBBL (million barrels) of condensate.
It is expected that the development project of Madura BD field is able to produce approximately 100 MMSCFD (million standard cubic feet per day) of gas and 6,000 BCPD (barrels condensate per day). The produced gas will be transferred to the domestic contracted customers and the condensate will be shipped by shuttle tankers to domestic users and regional users in South East Asia.
The project includes installation of a well-head platform (WHP) at a water depth of 55 meter; construction of a floating production, storage, and offloading (FPSO) vessel; construction of a gas metering station (GMS) onshore; installation of two flexible risers between the WHP and FPSO; and construction of a 52 km long pipeline to export gas to the GMS.
Following the first steel cutting ceremony for the three-decked WHP in April 2014, fabrication of the platform jacket and topside was initiated.
The load out of this 820-ton jacket took place on 7 October 2015. Then, its sail away occurred on 10 October 2015. A cargo barge transporting the wellhead jacket was towed by a tug boat to the specified platform site in Madura Strait.
On 12 October 2015, the jacket was installed at the site. It was lifted, up-ended, and laid on the seabed. Piling and leveling work was completed in 13 – 29 October 2015.
In the meantime, on 15 October 2015 the load out of the wellhead topside was conducted using a multi-wheeled transporter. The 480-ton topside was then put on a cargo barge and was towed by a tug boat, for sail away on 19 October 2015. The topside was lifted and installed on the wellhead jacket on 30 October 2015.
After BD WHP installation was completed, the drilling job for four wells and two slots for future development took place. BD drilling job was conducted for four (4) initial development wells (BD-A1, BD-A2, BD-A3 and BD-A4) and two (2) slots for future development.
The next work was 52-km pipe-laying, consisting of two sections: onshore and offshore. The work was initiated by trenching for both onshore and offshore pipeline. In the meantime, the offshore pipes were concrete-coated first to prevent corrosion and then loaded onto a barge. Floating foam was applied to the offshore pipeline to support offshore pipe laying and pulling process.
The onshore pipe laying was carried out. The onshore pipeline, equipped with floating drums, was pulled to the shore to be connected to the offshore pipeline. The 52-km offshore pipe laying was then performed.
As part of the BD field development, the GMS was constructed at Semare Village, Kraton District, Pasuruan. This station would distribute ready-to-use gas to the company’s customers.
Started in June 2015, the construction project of the FPSO, named Karapan Armada Sterling III (KAS III) was held in the shipyard of Keppel Offshore & Marine in Singapore. KAS III FPSO arrived at the location of BD field on 13 January 2017.
Two flexible riser hoses of 10 inch and 16 inch in diameter, connecting the WHP and FPSO, were installed with the help of a barge and appropriate machinery. Next, installation of electrical cable was completed to provide power to the WHP.
While carrying out the Madura BD development project, HCML was committed to preserving the environment. The Company rehabilitated the environment by mangrove plantation on the onshore pipeline areas of GMS in Pasuruan.
Following the completion of the project, the facilities were then ready for commissioning. The operation of GMS Pasuruan, BD WHP, and FPSO KAS III was started-up.
In GMS Pasuruan, its operation basically consists of outdoor and indoor operational activities. Outdoor activities include checking gas level, checking equipment, opening valve, and so on, while indoor activities are such as installation monitoring in the control room, checking gauges, et cetera.
As HCML considers safety as the highest priority, all personnel, while on duty, have to wear personnel protective equipment. In addition, fire and safety drill is performed periodically. Procedures for health, safety, and environment (HSE) are followed.
Moreover, the BD WHP operation was commissioned. All equipment and components were tested and checked.
Gas and condensate produced from the BD field is transferred to and processed in FPSO KAS III, which is the world’s largest H2S processing offshore floating facility. It is equipped with topside facilities able to process 110 MMSCFD sales gas and 7500 BOPD condensate and recover 20 T of sulfur per day.
Its operation is controlled from a control room. Maintenance activities are regularly carried out. It is provided with a health clinic and other supporting safety equipment. For personnel mobilization from FPSO to BD WHP, a lifting basket is used.
Following the success of FPSO KAS III start-up, the First Gas Ceremony, attended by Arcandra Tahar, Vice Minister of the Energy and Mineral Resources, was held on 20 September 2017.
Through the development of Madura BD field, HCML has expressed its continuous efforts to be the biggest gas producer in East Java and the operator of choice in Indonesia.