On Thursday, 29 June 2023, which coincided with Eid al-Adha 1444 H, Husky – CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML) provided simultaneous donations for sacrificial animals. This donations was carried out in order to establish good relationship with the local community, and also as part of participations and corporate social responsibility from the company to the local.
The total donations for Eid al-Adha given by HCML are four (4) cows and twenty eight (28) goats for three (3) affected Regencies; Sumenep Regency, Sampang Regency, and Pasuruan Regency and also one (1) cow was donated for Ministry Of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) /ESDM office and distributed to all employees in Jakarta.
VP Marketing legal And Business Support HCML Wahyudin Sunarya stated, “This donation is given annually by the company as a form of HCML’s participation and concern for the local community as well as in the context of establishing good relations with the local community. In the future, HCML which is known as one of the biggest gas producers in Indonesia, will continue to maintain and carry out activities like this as one of the company’s visions, which is To Be a Good Citizen and Neighbor to Local Community”.
Photo 1: Affected Village Delivery
Photo 2: Affected Village Delivery
Photo 3: Affected Village Delivery
Photo 4: Affected Village DeliveryPhoto 5: MEMR(ESDM) Office Jakarta Delivery