Indonesia – Like the Eternal Flame of Ijen Crater or Eternal Snow at Jayawijaya Peak that never goes away, that is the sense of nationalism in every chest of the Husky – CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML) workers, on Thursday (17/8). On commemoration of the 78th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia with the theme “Terus Melaju Untuk Indonesia Maju”, all HCML workers carried out the red-and-white flag-raising ceremony in their respective working areas.
The workers who are far away are no exception, the ceremonies are held in various places, such as at the Gas Metering Station (Pasuruan), Banyuwangi Shorebase, Sampang Shorebase, Sumenep Transit Point, and in the middle of the sea such as at the Floating Production Storage & Offloading (FPSO) Karapan Armada Sterling III, Floating Production Unit (FPU) Trunojoyo 1, and Mobile Offshore Production Unit (MOPU) Prameswari. In a separate place, the ceremony also took place at the SKK Migas head office in the YTKI Jakarta building, which was attended by high-ranking officials from SKK Migas and PSC Contractors.
Being in a remote area with a myriad of technical, natural and social challenges, did not dampen their solemnity in participating in the ceremony being held. Also, HCML workers in Jakarta and Surabaya offices also participated in the ceremony until the end.
In accordance with the previous HCML management message, the spirit of independence inspires all of us to keep fighting, contributing and building a brighter future for our beloved nation. Not forgetting the leader of the ceremony also delivered an independence speech from the Chairman of SKK Migas, carrying the spirit of achieving the goal of producing 1 million barrels of oil per day and 12 billion standard cubic feet of gas per day by 2030. Let’s take a look the moments of the 78th Independence Day ceremony of the Republic of Indonesia, August 17, 2023, in our fields!
Kantor SKK Migas Jabanusa Kantor SKK Migas Jakarta Kantor HCML Jakarta FPU Trunojoyo 1 MOPU Prameswari Sumenep Transit Point FPSO KAS III Sampang Shorebase Banyuwangi Shorebase GMS Pasuruan