Pasuruan, December 31, 2023 – Cooperation Contract Contractors Husky – CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML) is able to achieve satisfactory gas production achievements throughout 2023. This was conveyed at the “SKK Migas Management Walkthrough (MWT) at the End of 2023” by SKK Migas, Sunday – Monday (31/12/2023 – 1/1/2024) at the HCML Gas Metering Station (GMS), Pasuruan. The visit was attended by HCML Regional Office & Relations Manager, Hamim Tohari, BD Production HCML Manager, Suryo Birowo and team, as well as Head of Legal Division of SKK Migas, Didik Sasono Setyadi and his staff.
Suryo said that HCML production was increasing gradually. “At the beginning of production in 2017, HCML only produced from the BD Field and only flowed about 30 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD). Currently, HCML gas sales peak production is 250 MMSCFD (million standard cubic feet per day) and is the largest in East Java and Central Java. This number will continue to grow along with the development of new fields, in line with one of HCML’s visions to become the largest gas producer in East Java,” said Suryo.
“Of the three HCML fields, namely the BD, 2M (MDA-MBH), and MAC fields, the HCML KKKS is the largest gas producer, in percentage terms production reaches 30% of total gas production in the East Java region,” said Suryo, during his visit with SKK Migas Management to the GMS field, in Pasuruan, Sunday (31/12).
HCML currently has 3 main fields that have been producing, namely BD Field, 2M Field, and MAC Field. BD Field Production is supported by 3 main facilities, namely the offshore Wellhead Platform (WHP), Gas Metering Station (GMS) located in Pasuruan city, and Floating Production, Storage, and Offloading (FPSO) facilities. The BD field is the only HCML field that contains H2S and is also condensate, so it requires quite complex processing. FPSO Karapan Armada Sterling III is the only floating platform in Indonesia that has a Sulphur Recovery Unit facility. Based on data as of November 30, 2023, the BD field is currently capable of delivering gas sales of 110 MMSCFD with 6,000 barrels of condensate per day.
MDA-MBH and MAC Field
Furthermore, according to Suryo, the MDA-MBH Field is a new field that HCML had started operating in 2022. The 2M field (MBH and MDA) has a configuration of two offshore platform facilities (MBH and MDA platforms) with one Floating Production Unit (FPU) with a gas production capacity of 127 MMSCFD and a gas sales capacity of 120 MMSCFD. The FPU facility itself has a maximum production capacity of 175 MMSCFD and is expected to accommodate gas from other field developments in the future (MDK and MBF). The 2M field first started production in October 2022, after the completion of FPU fabrication and construction work in China which began in May 2021 and sailaway to Indonesia at the end of August 2022. The fabrication, construction, and installation process of FPU Trunojoyo was carried out in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, and became a successful example of implementing Agile Project Management by maximizing the latest communication and digital technology in conducting remote control from Jakarta of FPU fabrication and construction work.
Then for the MAC field has a gas production capacity of 54 MMSCFD and a gas sales capacity of 50 MMSCFD. The MAC field consists of a Wellhead Platform and a Mobile Offshore Production Unit (MOPU). MOPU Prameswari 8 has its own privilege, because it is the first MOPU whose design and fabrication process is carried out entirely in Indonesia. “This is part of the implementation of the spirit of SKK Migas which encourages the upstream oil and gas industry to become a driver of the national economy and improve people’s welfare,” said Suryo.
Suryo again stated that in carrying out its production operations, HCML always pays attention to work safety aspects in all matters, both for personnel, installations and the work environment. With production operations that are categorized as high risk, HCML can manage work safety aspects well, as evidenced by the achievement of the 2023 oil and gas work safety award in the form of Patra Nirbhaya Karya Utama. This award was obtained because HCML was able to record the number of safe working hours of more than 17 million working hours, with 4,799 days without work accidents missing working days. “This award complements a series of other awards received by HCML throughout 2023, such as Career Development Monitoring (CDM), Most Optimum Planning & Realization, Best Local Content Achievement, and Maintenance Award for Best in Compliance and Communication,” concluded Suryo.
Furthermore, Hamim Tohari, Regional Manager Office and Relation of HCML who attended this event said, “We are happy and proud because HCML’s operation and production and gas sales flow objectives are in accordance with government directives. HCML production operations so far certainly always pay attention to the factors of safety, health, security, and environmental sustainability. Our gas sales are also to national companies that are beneficial for people’s livelihoods such as the fertilizer industry, electricity and others, so that it is in accordance with domestic sales policies. Of course, indirectly, this helps improve people’s living standards and economic growth.”
“We hope that through the 3 existing fields can encourage industrial growth in East Java in absorbing the potential gas supply from HCML. As we know, in the coming time there will be several industrial developments in East Java, “said Hamim.
For future plans, HCML is currently developing 2 (two) new fields, namely MDK Field which is scheduled to be onstream in 2026, and MBF Field in 2027. “HCML will continue to strive to develop new gas fields to maximize natural gas utilization in Indonesia, this is also accompanied by the aim of supporting SKK Migas in achieving gas production of 12 BSFD (billion standard cubic feet per day) by 2030,” concluded Hamim.
In the same place, Head of Legal Division of SKK Migas, Didik Sasono Setyadi, said, “The MWT agenda is an activity of SKK Migas Management at the end of 2023 in an effort to achieve the upstream oil and gas industry target, which is oil production of 1 (one) million Barrel of Oil Per Day (BOPD) and natural gas of 12 Billion Standard Cubic Feet Per Day (BSCFD) in 2030. This activity will bring messages regarding strengthening work safety aspects, witnessing oil, and gas lifting activities and monitoring oil and gas inventory at the end of 2023 at several KKKS terminals.
With three fields already producing and several new fields to be developed, it is hoped that it will not only make HCML production increase but also become more integrated for more massive production activities,” concluded Didik.
Didik reminded that HCML in its operations always prioritizes the HSE factor above all else, because all the efforts and achievements that have been achieved are meaningless if HSE is not maintained.
Second, Didik also appreciated HCML’s commitment to improve integrity by playing videos about Anti Bribery to all its ranks to avoid reprehensible acts such as bribery, corruption, and so on.
Third, Didik encourages HCML to also be more “high profile” in campaigning for more massive and aggressive upstream oil and gas business activities in order to increase energy security for the national interest. Not to forget, Didik also expressed his support for HCML which gives confidence to the young generation of professionals to control upstream oil and gas operations, which are currently the largest in East Java.